Subscription new publications – Edition Tausendschön


“Attention! Do you want to buy only one subscription? Select the “Pickup” shipping option to avoid shipping charges. Shipping charges will not apply until the next new issue and delivery.”

Postcard on strong picture printing paper with

mica and serrated edge


Dimensions (H x W) in cm: 15 x 10,5


All postcards are original WITHOUT the writing,, it serves only as copy protection!



32 in stock


Dear customers,
We are pleased to be able to offer you this service – the subscription for all new publications from Edition Tausendschön! Never miss a postcard again – it will come to you automatically.

Here’s how it works:

1. registration: Please register on our website.

2. select subscription: Select the subscription you want. You can add the subscription to your shopping cart as often as you like. Postage is only charged once.

3. payment method: Select “bank transfer” if you only want to take out the subscription. The postage will only be charged when the goods are dispatched. This means that you only pay for the subscription and the postage will be added afterwards.

4. costs: The cost is €1.25 per card including VAT – that’s 5 cents cheaper than a normal purchase. The usual shipping fee is added.

5. invoice and shipping: As soon as we receive the cards, you will receive an invoice by e-mail. After receipt of payment we will send the cards immediately. In the event of non-payment, the subscription expires automatically.

6. canceling the subscription: A simple e-mail to us is enough to cancel the subscription.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail.
Best regards, Anja

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